Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critical reflection practice Essay

Introduction The area of critical reflection is generally understood to be a difficult and contested terrain, that appears to be attractive on paper but is complex to put into action. Educators say this is an important capability for students to develop as it contributes to greater depth of understanding and learning (Boud, Cohen, & Walker, 1993; Lay & McGuire, 2010; Moon, 2006; Wolf, 2010). The wide range of approaches to critical reflection suggests the focus of learning is placed on technique rather than the broader purpose and outcomes of critical reflection. Critical reflection should not be a prescriptive activity (Moon, 2006) but guidelines should enable the student to develop their own style. This paper begins a conversation on the challenging topic  of critical reflection in cooperative education. Defining Critical Reflection There appears to be lack of a clear understanding of critical reflection, as it is a contested term reflecting the ideology of the user. Depending on one’s perspective critical reflection can be understood to mean very different things (Boyd & Fales, 1983; Brookfield, 2009; Gardner, 2009; Harvey, Coulson, Mackaway, & WinchesterSeeto, 2010; Hatton & Smith, 1995; Smith, 2011; van Woerkom, 2010) and varies within individuals and contexts. Critical reflection is widely recognised as a key component in the learning processes of individuals and is advocated in many areas of professional practice (Brookfield, 2009; Jarvis, 2010; Leijen, Valtna, Leijen, & Pedaste, 2011), especially within programmes where there is rich learning possible through specific experiences (Harvey et al., 2010). The terms reflection, critical reflection, reflective practice, reflective thinking and reflexivity have similar meanings and application in educational literature, as well as, used interchangeably (Black & Plowright, 2010; Rogers, 2001). Authors consider that not all reflection is critical reflection and critical reflection maybe at higher, more complicated level that challenges the learner and the educator (Harvey et al., 2010; Hatton & Smith, 1994). Further unpacking is required to clearly identify the true nature of ‘critical’ reflection. Fook (2006) suggests work needs to be done from a â€Å"common basis of understanding† so the practice of critical reflection maybe refined and improved. Mezirow (1990) considers critical reflection as a precursor to transformative learning, which may lead to changes in personal understandings and potentially behaviour. Students can use critical reflection practices for engaging in metacognition (Eames & Coll, 2010). It is associated with a number of learning outcomes including improved thinking, learning and assessment of self and social systems (Smith, 2011). Dewey (1938) states that while we cannot learn or be taught to think, we do have to learn how to think well and especially to acquire the practice of reflection. To use knowledge critically we do not accept the situation at ‘face value’. This  requires the ability to look beneath the surface to see what may influence the situation, resulting in critical depth to understanding. In addition, the ability to examine the bigger picture and view the situation more holistically develops critical breadth. These enable us to develop a fuller understanding of experiences so we are better equipped to manage similar future situations (S. Thompson & Thompson, 2008). This ability to think critically is developed over time (Crowe & O’Malley, 2006) through guidance and support. Critical reflection is advocated in many areas of professional development and practice, including the all areas of health care education, teaching, management, and research, as it encourages practitioners to gain insight into their own professionalism through their experiences. These programmes generally require some form of fieldwork to be closely integrated with academic study. Consequently there is wide variation in the techniques and approaches used in the practice of critical reflection. Approaches may range from informal discussions to highly structured formats. Guidelines in the literature on how to determine, facilitate and assess critical reflection in practice appear to be limited (Leijen et al., 2011; Smith, 2011). Models of critical reflection This vast area in the literature, which explores models of critical reflection, lacks clarity. There seems to be similarities within and across the various applications from many fields or disciplines of education that may have little or no areas of overlap (Fook & Gardner 2007). Many models of reflection based on a philosophical approach, may be considered to assist students develop an understanding of critical reflection. These have been briefly outlined in table 1.0 to help visualize the relationship between the models and frameworks. The framework chosen to guide students’ reflections may be determined by the expectations of the learning outcomes. Some models of reflection may not encourage critical reflection. Models may guide the process of reflection but should not impose a prescription of what reflection is. It is not essential to follow a model and some practitioners choose not to. There is some criticism of models that reduce reflection to levels but this approach maybe useful for teaching what the focus of  reflection entails. The student may choose whether or not to adopt a model to frame their reflection as a temporary measure until confidence in the reflective activity is gained and understood. Table 1.0: Three models of critical reflection identifying two frameworks that provides guidance for reflecting within each model. Model of critical reflection Framework General comments Dewey’s model of reflective Knowledge can be constructed learning through active reflection on past and present experiences. Pragmatic approach. Gibb’s model A cyclic generic framework. A general and nonspecific approach to reflection. Novices may find it too vague requiring further guidance. Stephenson’s framework A detailed set of cue questions. Focuses on consequences of actions and examines practice knowledge. Habermas’s model of critical Based on 3 areas of knowledge: reflection technical, practical and emancipatory. Critical theory approach. Taylor’s framework Describes activities associated with 3 types of reflection: technical, practical and emancipatory. Highly structured. Kim’s framework Called critical reflective enquiry. Three phases of reflection: descriptive, reflective, critical/emancipatory. Processes and products applied to each phase. Kolb’s model of reflexive Attempts to integrate thinking and learning practice. Experiential learning approach. Borton’s framework Simplified model using 3 questions: What? So what? Now what? Very easy to remember. Rolfe’s framework Expanded Borton’s framework. Added questions to each step. Turned the last step back to form reflexive cycle. Generic, easily adapted to suit most situations. * Adapted from Rolfe et al (2011). Critical reflection in cooperative education According to Martin and Fleming (2010) cooperative education is more than work experience but a recognised pedagogical approach to learning. Critical reflection is an essential component of the pedagogy of cooperative education and other forms of work integrated learning. The process of critical reflection needs to be facilitated with structured strategies within the course that encourage engagement in reflection. It is important to create a culture where reflection is valued as a learning tool and it is safe to be honest. Practice and feedback on reflection throughout the program are important to enable the student to progress through their learning experience. Van Gyn (1996) suggests that reflective practice to enhance student-learning outcomes requires an organised partnership between the student, academic and industry supervisors. There is a widespread  assumption that reflection has positive outcomes for student learning. Cooperative education is student driven learning, which increases the need for the student to be self-motivated, proactive, organised and reflective. Critical reflection encourages students to be willing and able to question, explore and critique ways of behaving and thinking as they engage in workplace experiences (Higgins, 2011) and into the future. Consequently the student is better able to understand and gain insights into his/her skills, competencies and knowledge. The use of critical reflection in cooperative education increases the chances of the learning being relevant and meaningful to the student. Therefore the student’s engagement in reflection can assist them in making sense of themselves, their learning experience and preparation for the future. The importance of the social context (Fook, White & Gardner, 2006) of reflection should be considered, as personal reflection is part of the broader context of the organization culture and structure (Thompson & Pascal, 2012). The industry context is complex and may challenge other dimensions of reflection, such as emotional demands of the learning experience, power relationships and time constraints. The strategies that facilitate reflection should cater for the individual needs of the student, suit the learning environment and guide the development of students reflective skills (Martin & Fleming, 2010). Strategies may include learning contracts, reflective journals, progress reports, reports and oral presentations providing the student with many opportunities to practice critical reflection. Conclusion Critical reflection is used in education to encourage the integration of theory and practice while enhancing student learning and self-confidence. However, an extensive literature search on the role of reflection for learning through experience by Harvey et al (2010) concluded that the relationship between reflection and positive student learning outcomes was inconclusive. This suggests there is scope to explore the role of critical reflection in learning and the development of a theoretical basis in cooperative education. There is increasing interest in the concept of critical reflection (Boud & Walker, 1998) in work-integrated education and research (Brookfield, 2009). References Black, P. E., & Plowright, D. (2010). A multi-dimensional model of reflective learning for professional development. Reflective Practice, 11(2), 245-258. doi:10.1080/14623941003665810 Boud, D., Cohen, R., & Walker, D. (1993). Using experience for learning. Buckingham [England] ; Bristol, Pa.: Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press. Boud, D., & Walker, D. (1998). Promoting reflection in professional courses: The challenge of context. Studies in Higher Education, 23(2), 191. Boyd, E. M., & Fales, A. W. (1983). Reflective learning. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 23(2), 99-117. Brookfield, S. (2009). The concept of critical reflection: promises and contradictions. European Journal of Social Work, 12(3), 293-304. Crowe, M., & O’Malley, J. (2006). Teaching critical reflection skills for advanced mental health nursing practice: a deconstructive-reconstructive approach [Article]. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 56(1), 79-87. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.03982.x Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. New York: Touchstone. Eames, C., & Coll, R. K. (2010). Cooperative education: Integrating classroom and workplace learning. In S. Billett (Ed.), Learning through practice (pp. 180-196) Fook, J. (2006). Beyond reflective practice: reworking the â€Å"critical† in critical reflection. presented at the meeting of the Professional Lifelong Learning: Beyond Reflective Practice, Leeds. Fook, J., & Gardner, F. (2007). Practising critical reflection : a resource handbook. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Fook, J., White, S., & Gardner, F. (2006). Critical reflection: a review of contemporary literature and understandings. Critical reflection in health and social care, 3-20. Gardner, F. (2009). Affirming values: using critical reflection to explore meaning and professional practice [Article]. Reflective Practice, 10(2), 179-190. doi:10.1080/14623940902786198 Harvey, M., Coulson, D., Mackaway, J., & Winchester-Seeto, T. (2010). Aligning reflection in the cooperative education curriculum| Macquarie University ResearchOnline. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 11(3), 137-152. Hatton, N., & Smith, D. (1994, July 3-6, 1994)). Facilitating Reflection: Issues and Research. presented at the meeting of the Conference of the Australian Teacher Education Association (24th), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Hatton, N., & Smith, D. (1995). Reflection in teacher education: Towards definition and implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11(1), 33-49. Higgins, D. (2011). Why reflect? Recognising the link between learning and reflection. Reflective Practice, 12(5), 583-584. doi:10.1080/14623943.2011.606693 Jarvis, P. (2010). Adult education and lifelong learning : theory and practice (4th ed.). New York: Routledge. Larrivee, B. (2000). Transforming Teaching Practice: Becoming the critically reflective teacher. Reflective Practice, 1(3), 293-307. doi:10.1080/713693162 Lay, K., & McGuire, L. (2010). Building a Lens for Critical Reflection and Reflexivity in Social Work Education [Article]. Social Work Education, 29(5), 539-550. doi:10.1080/02615470903159125 Leijen, A., Valtna, K., Leijen, D. A. J., & Pedaste, M. (2011). How to determine the quality of students’s reflections? Studies in Higher Education, 1-15. doi:10.1080/03075079.2010.504814 Martin, A., & Fleming, J. (2010). Cooperative education in outdoor education. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 14(1), 41-48. Mezirow, J. (1990). How critical reflection triggers transformative learning. Fostering critical reflection in adulthood, 1-20. Moon, J. A. (2006). Learning journals : a handbook for reflective practice and professional development (2nd ed.). London ; New York: Routledge. Rogers, R. R. (2001). Reflection in higher education: A concept analysis. Innovative Higher Education, 26(1), 37-57. Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D., & Jasper, M. (2011). Critical reflection in practice (2nd ed.). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, N.Y.: Palgrave. Smith, E. (2011). Teaching critical reflection. Teaching in Higher Education, 16(2), 211-223. Thompson, N., & Pascal, J. (2012). Developing critically reflective practice. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives(iFirst Article), 1-15. doi:10.1080/14623943.2012.657795 Thompson, S., & Thompson, N. (2008). The critically reflective practitioner. Basingstoke [England] ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Van Gyn, G. H. (1996). Reflective Practice: The Needs of Professions and the Promise of Cooperative Education. Journal of Cooperative Education, 31(2-3), 103-131. van Woerkom, M. (2010). Critical Reflection as a Rationalistic Ideal. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(4), 339356. Wolf, K. (2010). Bridging the distance: the use of blogs as reflective learning tools for placement students. Higher Education Research & Development, 29(5), 589-602. Copyright  © 2012 Patricia Lucas The Author assign to the Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN Inc.) an educational non-profit institution, a nonexclusive licence to use this document for personal use and in courses of instruction, provided that the article is used in full and this copyright statement is reproduced. The author(s) also grant a nonexclusive licence to the Australian Collaborative Education Network to publish this document on the ACEN website and in other formats for the Proceedings ACEN National Conference Melbourne / Geelong 2012. Any other use is prohibited without the express permission of the author(s).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Is Going Green Nothing More Than a Marketing Gimmick

Running head: MARKETING GIMMICK 1 Is Going Green Nothing More Than a Marketing Gimmick? Ong Shi Meng MARKETING GIMMICK 2 Is Going Green Nothing More Than a Marketing Gimmick? â€Å"Marketing† has a lexical definition, which is â€Å"theory and practice of commercial selling†, whereas the persuasive definition is â€Å"the activities of promoting products or services in order to gain profits or other advantages by changing consumers’ attitudes towards a brand†. Green marketing is somewhat similar, but it is the activities of promoting products or services that are presumed to be eco-friendly.There are many perspectives on green marketing, for example, it is just a marketing strategy of a corporate and it is mainly targeting on consumers who are concern of environmental issues. To put it simply, a business is utilizing green marketing tactics when their marketing message is targeting the eco-conscious members of the target market, for example, a Web hosting provider markets itself as environmentally friendly to prospective customers by touting the fact that their facilities is run by wind or solar power.Another example would be in food marketing, where you’ll find products marketed as organic or pushing the fact that it’s from local farmers (meaning less preservatives and less waste in transporting the food). Essentially, the marketing campaign revolves to some degree around appealing to a consumer base trying to be more environmentally friendly. While my overall outlook on green marketing is a positive one, because of its consumer-driven and often altruistic to at least a degree, I do think there’s a flip-side where certain green marketing techniques are simply gimmicks.First, there’s green-washing, the false claims about environmental issues to raise concerns with the public, convincing them there’s a problem that may not even exist, and then pushing your product as a solution. In this case, consume rs who fall for the trick are committing the fallacy of inappropriate appeal to authority. According to McGraw-Hill (2012), the fallacy means we look to an authority in a MARKETING GIMMICK 3 field other than that under investigation.Similarly, consumers tend to buy green products from an authority that is not specialized or professional in environmental issues. This is just deceitful, and we’re in a day and age now where it’s very likely you’ll be caught and publicly exposed. Lie is a deliberate attempt to mislead without prior consent of the target (McGraw-Hill, 2012). I also think the premium prices for green products will eventually become a thing of the past.As people come to  expect  more products to be environmentally friendly, their willingness to pay more (looking at the items as special in some way) will diminish. However, with the demand rooted in personal convictions, I don’t think the demand for green products will fade to match that price issue – companies will find a way to go green for less. When it comes to green marketing, the real key is to be sincere. If you truly care about the environment, and are acting out of that concern first and foremost, consumers will notice.Taking actions is definitely more effective than using emotive language, language that is purposely chosen to elicit certain emotional impact in order to promote products which might be useless for consumers. Focus on building a more sustainable business beyond simply being able to increase prices or appeal to the eco-savvy markets. MARKETING GIMMICK 4 References McGraw-Hill. (2012). Think. New York: NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Analysis Of HSBC

Business Analysis Of HSBC HSBC is public limited bank and it’s headquartered is located in London, England since 1993. HSBC bank was founded in 1865 in and it was started with name † The Hong kong and Shanghai Banking corporation â€Å".The bank has lots of branches throughout the world. HSBC bank offers wide range of banking, Investment and financial service to high and economic customers. It holds international network of 8000 properties in 88 countries and regions in Europe, Hong kong, Rest of Asia-Pacific, The Middle East, The Americas and Africa. Previously, the Middle East is known as part of ‘Rest of Asia -Pacific ‘. HSBC offers comprehensive range of financial service within these international network. Banking service such as Credit and debit accounts, bank loans (secured loans, loans, unsecured loans, car loans etc.), mortgages, overdraft facility, and insurance are being served by the bank. It also provides Internet banking and Offshore banking. HSBC is one of the worldâ €™s largest banking and financial service group with 8th rank, according to Forbes Magazine. It has market capitalisation of US$ 199 billion since 31st December 2009. It is listed on the so many stock exchanges like London, Hong kong, New York , Barmuda and Paris; it is also part of the FTSE 100 index and HangSeng index. HSBC is also world’s first bank which was opened internationally that means â€Å"World’s Local Bank† and it was financed various projects like Railroad Building due to mordenization in early 20th century. History of HSBC: The history of HSBC is as old as extremely intresting for the each and every person and organization who wants great deal with the bank around the globe. Furthermore, bank is offering large amount of service to an individuals and institutions. FOUNDATION AND GROWTH : HSBC originally stands from â€Å"The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation † which is established by Scot Thomas Sutherland in Hongkong ( 3rd marc h ) in 1865. Then and as now,1 Queen’s Road Central was bank’s headquartered in Hongkong , plus another was opened in Shanghai one month later in 3rdapril 1865 to finance growing trade between China and Europe. In addition, one year later the London office was opened. During the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the bank opened its more branches in China, Asia, Japan, Europe and North America to provide financial service for its clients. Throughout the Second war the bank closed its many branches due to an international financial crisis and the head office was temporarily moved from Hongkong to London. Then after, the bank played major roll in rebuilding of Hongkong economy and that was the time for geographical spread through acquisition and alliances . In 1959, the bank purchased two banks that was The British Bank of Middle East and The Mercantile Bank (based in India). The Bank moved to Canadian and Australian market to expand its business during 1981-1986. I n 1987 The Marine Midland Bank (Now HSBC Bank of USA) became a member of the group. In 1991, HSBC Holding PLC was established and it became parent company to The Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the shares were traded in both London Hong -kong stock exhanges.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Art History 406 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art History 406 - Term Paper Example American art of this time depicted nothing more from its paintings but of merchants and planters in a style rooted in European traditions. From the ashes of the war rose two great American painters. Benjamin West was born on October 10, 1738 of Quaker parents in Springfield (now Swarthmore) in the Pennsylvania colony. His talent for painting was developed when as a kid he learned to draw from paints given to him by his Indian friends. At the time there were no art schools or reputable masters with a great collection of paintings for young artists to study, but by the mid-1750s West began to paint portraits in and around Philadelphia (Craven, 2003, p.136). While in  Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1756, Wests patron, William Henry, a gunsmith, encouraged him to design a "Death of Socrates" based on an engraving in  Charles Rollins  Ancient History. The painting has been called "the most ambitious and interesting painting produced in colonial America" (Staley, 1989, p. 28). Dr. William Smith, the  provost  of the  College of Philadelphia, after seeing the painting in Henrys house, offered West education and introduced him to wealthy Pennsylvanians and politicians. During t his time West met  the famous painter, John Wollaston, an immigrant from  London who taught him techniques for painting the shimmer of silk and satin (Hughes, 1999, p. 68). In 1759 West went to Rome, where he spent three years studying the Renaissance and Baroque masters and ancient masterpieces. There he took time to sketch art works like Roman reliefs, more particularly those the Royal Academy with Sir Joshua Reynolds, its first president. Between 1772 and 1801, he was historical painter to King George III. West became one of the first American artists to win a wide reputation in Europe for Agripinna. In the picture, the group forming the center is based on an

Toyota Final Simulation Bus310 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toyota Final Simulation Bus310 - Essay Example Here, the case study puts emphasis on the three organizational environments and how each contributed to the technological development. The success of every organization is highly dependent on such an organization’s resource composition and how best they mobilize those internal resources. The invention of the simulator portrays Toyota as an organization which mobilizes its internal resources: finances, natural and human resources to better satisfy their customers (Liker & Meier, 2006). With the final simulation at hand, it is predictable that Toyota is destined to gain a huge internal environmental support since, whenever an organization comes up with a new landmark invention; such an organization is always motivated to do even more. A motivated human resource, for instance, is always characterized by creativity and innovation as well as working towards the achievement of the organizational goals. Toyota is one organization that can highly be credited for how it has matched its internal environment to its external environment. The near external environment is always characterized with those factors that an organization has little influence over as opposed to the internal resources (Liker & Meier, 2006). The vital factors in the near external environment include the customers and the suppliers whose contributions are essential to the success of any organization. For most entrepreneurs, it is the customers and the suppliers that a company should hold dear to their activities. It is very logical that an organization that does not pay attention to their customers have no future. In coming up with the perfect simulator, it is predictable that Toyota fully exploited their near external environment. The customers for instance influence a huge amount of organizational decisions depend highly on the feedback such an organization gets from its customers. In fully implementing the driving simulation technology, it is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Edward R. Murrow, Army-McCarthy hearings Research Paper - 1

Edward R. Murrow, Army-McCarthy hearings - Research Paper Example He constantly accused the federal government of being involved with the Communists. This is what initiated the army-McCarthy hearings in the first place. But in the end, his accusations and remarks were decreed as groundless. McCarthy blamed the army and the army blamed him and said that he was stating those remarks to please his senior David Schine and his friend, Roy Cohn (Caute). Many people in the government were intimidated by Senator McCarthy because of his popularity and his gift of gab. Despite his blames and accusations, people listened to him because he was an excellent orator. But it is unfortunate that he used his skills for the wrong purposes. This is why his sudden decline was his own fault, as was later proved by Edward Murrow. Another reason for McCarthy’s growing popularity was his relation with the Kennedy family. He was in their good books and while the Kennedy family was at its prime, McCarthy took unfair advantage of it. Moreover, the Kennedy’s were Catholics and so was McCarthy and this forged a stronger bond between the Kennedys and McCarthy. This is also why McCarthy gained infinite support when it came to targeting the Communist tribes. Many journalists and critics also claim that for McCarthy, being Communist was more of a personal issue and it was his fault that he amalgamated it with his profession(Caute). After these remarks began to surface, the Senate took the matter in its own hands. The Senate set up a committee to find the root of the problem. Normally, McCarthy was the one who governed these meetings but as this time he himself was being charged, Karl Mundt was elected as the leader of the committee. He was also a renowned Republican senator. At first the Senate was a little hesitant to make Mundt the head of committee because McCarthy was a lot stronger opponent and he made a rude opponent, but many members of the committee voted in favor of Mundt.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Human Patterns and Quantities of Consumption Essay

Human Patterns and Quantities of Consumption - Essay Example The message of this paper is to analyze and portray the harmful and detrimental effects on how human patterns of development and quantities would result in the environmental crisis. The fact that many environmental disasters are due to the steps in which humanity strove to be better also meant that human needs and wants were prioritized than the conservation and preservation of many natural resources and life. Many different cultural backgrounds, especially those which maintained its past traditional understanding of nature, have maintained ideas and beliefs that stressed the respect and care towards nature and the environment. The format of this paper will be using the American Psychological Association (APA) form of citation. The paper will be divided into three different sections, each focusing on a specific main sub-topic for the research paper. After all the main sub-topics have been discussed, a conclusive synthesis will wrap up the discussion of the papers and provide personal solutions or applications based on the research made. This research dissertation explores the interconnecting effects of modern day consumerism and its impact towards the natural environment and the human spirit. As human growth continues, the needs of human beings increase as well. This increases consumption of resources to satisfy human needs and wants. However, the rise of the much environmental crisis has led to an increasing attention on how the human spirit can focus on the preservation and protection of the environment instead of its exploitation The research done by this organization focuses on the balance between environmentalism and economic progress. Current business and economic enterprises find difficulty in increasing profits while trying to be more environmentally friendly.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example This essay stresses that CSR has been known to have a great positive impact on the reputation of a business but very little, if any, impact on the profit margins of a company. This paper declares that the level to which these principles are applied is institutional and is on the basis of a firms basic business obligations as a business unit. Principles of social responsiveness are of value simply because they define the institutional relationship between businesses and the society and gives a specification of what is expected of the business. This being the first level of measuring CSR, it is all about the relationship between the relationship between businesses and the society at large. This level has three major elements. The first major element is legitimacy. This concerns the business as a social institution and it frames the analytical view of the relationship between a business and society. The second element is public responsibility. This concerns the individual firm and its processes and outcomes within the framework of its own principles in terms of what it actually does. The third element is managerial discretion. This element refers to the membe rs of the organization, managers especially, as moral actors of the company. Managers are under obligation to exercise discretion as is availed to them towards socially responsible outcomes within every domain of corporate social responsibility.... Just like any other business variable, CSR is measureable. Much interest has grown on the measurement of CSR and as a result, people have developed numerous literary documents that try to explain how CSR can be measured. The most common approach for measuring CSR is a systems model that is referred to as the 3p Model (Hopkins 2012). This model evaluates the CSR performance of a business on three levels namely: Principles of social responsibility; Processes of social responsiveness; and Products or the outcomes as they relate to the firms societal relationships. Principles of Social Responsiveness The level to which these principles are applied is institutional and is on the basis of a firms basic business obligations as a business unit. Principles of social responsiveness are of value simply because they define the institutional relationship between businesses and the society and gives a specification of what is expected of the business. This being the first level of measuring CSR, i t is all about the relationship between the relationship between businesses and the society at large. This level has three major elements. The first major element is legitimacy. This concerns the business as a social institution and it frames the analytical view of the relationship between a business and society. The second element is public responsibility. This concerns the individual firm and its processes and outcomes within the framework of its own principles in terms of what it actually does. The third element is managerial discretion. This element refers to the members of the organization, managers especially, as moral actors of the company. Managers are under obligation

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Identify one major political event in an African country Essay - 1

Identify one major political event in an African country - Essay Example The main objective of the paper includes making the exploration of the actual political scenario of the Libyan politics, which had experienced a significant blow during the last few years in the name of so-called ‘awakening of the Arab nations’ for introducing imperative alterations to the Afro-Arab politics to a great extent. The paper will also examine the reasons behind the unexpected revolt against the Qaddafi regime. The paper is also interested in investigating into the external factors, including the US role, in respect of toppling the Qaddafi regime for the establishment of a pro-American political system in the lines adopted by the European powers of colonial era for turning the weak and backward states to be their subjugated domains in order to introduce and enforce the policies of their choice as well as to force the small countries for developing social, economic, business and trade relations with the USA. Hence, the paper will portray a comprehensive scenari o paving the way towards 2011 revolt in Libya in the light of internal and external factors controlling and regulating the rebellion and rebels at large. Muammar Qaddafi served as one of the most dominant and influential figures of the twentieth century Afro-Arabian political world, which left indelible impact of his political and strategic achievements in the entire region during the second half of the last century till the first decades of new century. By dint of his exceptional intellect, deep foresight and outstanding wisdom, he successfully played the role of a central figure in the national politics of Libya for over four decades, where he was the sole decision-maker of the fate of his country and its masses at large. Though, apparently, he was considered to be unconquered and supreme in national politics, who would sustain power till the last day of his life, Qaddafi became the victim of purported Arab Spring appeared by the mid of December 2010 with the big powers in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kodak & Fujifilm Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Kodak & Fujifilm - Research Paper Example In order to gain sustainable competitive advantage, the company builds its innovation platform on its technological heritage. The company has a unique design strategy which is always looking for opportunities across every product’s entire life cycle. As a result, the company is able to offer unique solutions at every stage of the product life cycle. For instance, customers are offered to choose among various applications such as offset plates, printing solutions, packaging solution and workflow systems in order to enhance the efficiency of their services and products. The company’s capabilities in material science and deposition have also resulted in innovative and alternative products such as fuel cells, batteries, solar panels and biotech products such as films for tissue regeneration, disposable sensors, and antimicrobials. The innovation expertise of the company has also forayed into fields such as biochemistry and bio-fuels. Â  In order to gain sustainable competi tive advantage, the company builds its innovation platform on its technological heritage. The company has a unique design strategy which is always looking for opportunities across every product’s entire life cycle. As a result, the company is able to offer unique solutions at every stage of the product life cycle. For instance, customers are offered to choose among various applications such as offset plates, printing solutions, packaging solution and workflow systems in order to enhance the efficiency of their services and products.

Philosophy of Nursing Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of Nursing Essay One cannot achieve overall health unless they are physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially well. All of these aspects must be at optimal best allowing one to function well in life. Physical health is obtained by following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and limiting exposure to toxins (drugs, alcohol, pollution). It is also important to have oral and physical examinations at regular intervals and to practice preventative measures to combat possible illnesses. Mental and emotional health can be referenced interchangeably. They are different in theory but encompass some of the same factors. Managing daily stressors such as work, relationships, and finances can prevent the occurrence of stress induced mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. A socially healthy individual is able to coexist among different types of people without experiencing harmful conflict. It involves the ability to compromise and contribute to meaningful relationships. Social well being is also exemplified through good communications skills, maintaining meaningful relationships, respecting oneself and others, and creating a support system that includes family members and friends. Illness has a physical or mental effect. If a person is diagnosed with a physiological ailment or disease, that person is physically ill. If a person suffers from a mental disorder or disease such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse, that person is mentally ill. When a person is ill it can simply be described as the opposite of the above mentioned states of well being, however, illness can occur (even if an individual takes all the necessary preventative measures) simply as a result of genetic predisposition. Person There is a broad range of nursing patients. The commonality of most nursing care recipients is they are ill or have been altered from their mental or physical normalcy. The most common nursing client is a patient in a doctor’s office. Individuals with previous hospitalizations and those who have never been hospitalized most likely have had visits to their doctors office which involves contact with a nurse. Characteristics or traits that most patients have in common are fear, anger, powerlessness, humility, and appreciation. Often patients are uneducated of the nursing process, thus not able to identify the purpose of the nurse and how influential nurses are to the healing process. If and when the patient has the capacity and willingness to learn, care plans are the most effective method to inform the patient of what is going to happen and the contributions expected of them during their hospitalization. Environment There is a wide variety of environments where nursing is practiced. Hospitals are most populated by patients receiving skilled nursing care. The environment is usually conducive to providing care while focusing primarily on patient satisfaction. While some hospitals strive to implement magnet programs, few have achieved magnet status. Magnet status is the staple of excellent nursing care. An increasing number of patients are familiarizing themselves with the term â€Å"Magnet† and broadening their expectations. Hospitals are usually fast paced as nurses collaborate with other nurses, physicians and case managers to implement an individualized care plan upon admission. Home care is of growing interest for many nurses mainly in response to the autonomy this field offers. Nurses are able to generally schedule their visits around demands of their private lives. Patients’ homes differ greatly.  Cleanliness or lack there of, many family members present or the patient lives alone with no support system, safe neighborhoods or high crime areas are some factors that contribute to the environment, influencing nursing care in the home. Some home health agencies provide the nurse an abundance of supplies to deliver patient care, however some agencies do not have the same budget capabilities. In this case the patients’ care can be compromised or postponed until the nurse is provided necessary items. A negative connotation is primarily given to skilled nursing facilities (or SNF’s) by patients and their families. This is mainly due to expectations of receiving an abundance or RN level care. Patients are not aware that SNF’s are usually staffed with mostly LVN’s and CNA’s with one or two RN’s to manage the facility through communication with physicians, delegating tasks to nursing staff, and utilizing critical thinking skills in emergent situations. Nursing During nursing school interviews, nurses are posed the most commonly asked question, â€Å"Why do you want to become a nurse? † The usual response, â€Å"Because i like helping people†, is often given without hesitance. This is the easy, less thought provoking answer to this question and usually from an inexperienced nurse. Helping people is what nurses do, however it is a result of carrying out the many tasks required throughout a day of nurse duties. Nursing is not just about helping people, it is not just about being a caring and nice person. Nurses are highly intelligent individuals who encompass and apply an abundance of knowledge throughout their day of work while perfecting the art of prioritizing. Engaging in â€Å"dirty work† while understanding multi system failure is among the many gifts of nurses. The stereotype of nurses is a woman who almost fearfully respects and answers to doctors; carrying out doctors orders with the mannerisms of servants. Actually, nursing is the contrary of that belief. Nurses are trained to question physicians when in doubt of the accuracy of their orders. Nurses are trained to be concerned with the patient as a whole and to address all of their needs, promoting wellness throughout all realms of life and not just the physical illness. An excellent nurse understands that a patient needs to be well physically, mentally, and socially in order to be considered healthy. The nurse will attempt to address and settle theses issues before nursing care ceases. Communication plays a big role in nursing and is one major difference between nursing and medicine. Nurses generally spend more time with patients than doctors, either during a shift or frequent visits, thus increasing communication and familiarity with patients. While there are many different theories of nursing, all nurses must have one thing in common. Nurses must greatly enjoy helping others to deliver excellent nursing care.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How to Make a Mask Essay Example for Free

How to Make a Mask Essay When it comes to the world of prop building, mask making, or prosthetics their are specific steps to follow. Otherwise if one were to mess up they can end up on the hospital due to chemical mixing. Now it’s not as dangerous as it sounds but its never good to inhale any type of fumes, don’t want to end up in the hospital. The first approach to build a mask or any type of make-up build is be cautious and aware. If you are not cautious and aware then as I said before you may end up in the hospital, with some sort of serious Illness. When working on a build always wear a mask, gloves, and an apron to protect your clothes. second step to mask making is the design know what you’re going to create. Come up with different concepts of one idea, so that you’ll have more than just one concept to work off of, as well as knowing or feeling which concept is the best. After the process of concepts, ideas and brainstorming work of the concept or in other words play with clay. Youre going to need to sculpt your concept on clay. Now it is doable with cheap clay such as Amacos: playn clay, air dry modeling clay. It’s not the best clay to use but it gets the job done. Although what I have heard from other sculptors and hobbiest that marblex or sculptey is better for sculpting. So when you have chosen what type of clay to use you then sculpt out your concept, taking out or adding in detail. After sculpting out your concept you will need you pierce to dry. Usually it takes about two to three days but its always best to at least wait for a week making sure that it is completely dry. Always check for cracks as well that is never good for your finally piece making sure that if you do see cracks fill them in with clay. After the piece has completely dried you will need to mold it. This is where a breathing mask definitely comes in handy. When it comes to molding their are many brands and ways to mold your clay piece, from liquid latex to silicone rubber. Personally I use Body Double Silicone Rubber. It last long and is always reusable if you want to make more of the same mold or cast. The more traditional way of molding is using Alginate but the thing about alginate is that it is only good for a one time use from then on it shrinks and deteriorates. All in all it is a matter of preference. With using body double as your mold, it is a two part mix so taking part A and part B mix the two together until you have the right consistency. Take a brush, dip it into the mix and dab/ brush the body double silicone onto your clay piece, until it is completely covered. After telling it dry for a while, not completely, you will need to make your mother mold. The mother mold is the mold that hold the outside of your first mold, it maintains the structure of the mold and sculpt. In order to do this you will need Plaster of Paris, power and goss based. Starting with the power based plaster. Put the plaster in a disposable bucket or bowl. How much you use will depend on the size of your sculpt. When measuring how how you need always add water first then the plaster, fill the bowl with plaster until you have a island in the middle of the water. Make sure to mix thoroughly breaking up any and all clumps of plaster. Mix until you have a constancy of cookie dough or pancake batter. Once you are at the right consistency slowly pour the plaster over the rubberized mold. Then with the plaster stips dip them in warm water and place it on top of your plaster mold, have at most three to five layers of plaster stips ontop of the plast mold. Once that is complete it will take up to a week (maybe more depending on the amount of plaster used) for it to dry. After it is completely dry the next step is to take the mold out so the cast can be made. Slowly remove the mold from the clay piece, prying from each side loosening and pulling away. Once you have removed you mold, you can cast it with fiberglass resin, plastic resin, epoxy, or silicone rubber etc. In other words you can filled it will whatever type of material you want to use. Whichever material you use you mature the right amount to put into your mold. Pour the liquid into the mold then using a sloshing technique you shlosh the liquid around in the mold covering all sides and details. You want to do this about three time depends on the type of material you are using, it can vary depending on the material. Once that is complete let it dry this process with take about two to three days. When it is completely dry remove the mask. First pry the body double rubber silicone off the plaster, then slowly peel the body double away until it is removed from the mask. Then it is complete you have your mask, where it to parties, halloween, or whatever the use maybe.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Similarities Differences Between Asian And Global Financial Crisis Economics Essay

Similarities Differences Between Asian And Global Financial Crisis Economics Essay Asia Financial Crisis (AFC) in 1997 was started with devaluation of Thailands baht and followed by Ringgit Malaysia, Philippine Peso, and Indonesian Rupiah. There were some causes of the crisis such as South East Asia current account deficit, overvalued assets prices, corruption and macroeconomic policy mistake and excess lending. Most of South East Asia Countries was facing current account deficit, some countries had 5% above GDP. They solved this deficit by attracting inflows of investment from overseas, regularly on short term investment. This is because financial deregulation and capital liberalization in the west countries, so it began to persuade developing countries to adopt free market as well. Then, foreign investment ostensibly good for economic but actually not, the problem is not from free movement of capital however that the country will be very dependent on foreign short term capital flow. Short-term borrowing (i.e. loans of less than a years duration) meant there should be had liquid assets in the banks account it will causes motivating a large part of their capital inflows were increasing the lending rate, which directly some of domestic banks actively seek foreign funds from the West to finance the lending with the consequences country will facing excess lending. Secondly, the weakness of the South East Asian economies was not practically overvalued their assets make them weak to a quick depression. In Thailand property market become the weakness of financial sector, according to Robert Chote (1998) Thailand bank had lending funds to non bank financial institution, which is property market investors. It is approximation quarter of bank in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia was lending their funds through intermediaries for property related investment. The third causes of AFC has been the internal factor of each developing country that is badly ill of corruption and does not handle capital market in a transparency, there was insufficient regulatory framework in business especially for the bank in South East Asia. For example in Indonesia, banks would never refuse to lend money to businesses have relation with the former president Suharto family, the lenders just think those borrowers would be able to repay the debt, even the investment failed. Another factor was macroeconomic policies, which is pegging domestic currency to the US dollar had significant effects, by maintaining the fixed dollar rate between South East Asian economies in effect caused their currencies to appreciate. Then, when the crisis was develop the inflation of the US dollar give some trouble to those countries facing large deficit, but it would also make it harder to fund their deficit. Therefore the effect of AFC will be affecting in Asia and to the global market. In the Asia region, one of the distinct effects has been the devaluation in the value against US dollar and usually the economy performance can be seen in stock market, which is the country in crisis will experience quick drops in the stock market because stock market would be likely to fall reflect the lower anticipated profit. Another indication of the financial crisis was interest rate will rise rapidly to prevent further devaluation of the currencies, for example in Indonesia they raise overnight interest rate to 300% in 1997, but still failed to stop exchange rate from collapsing. In Malaysia, the stock and the currency market nearly collapses and also GDP growth rate dropped from 7.3% to negative 7.4%, but the economy conditions recover in 1999. The global impact of AFC economic turmoil is expected to give effect of some downturns in economic growth since the crisis began. The devaluation of South East Asian currencies will decrease the demand for western goods which are making the goods more expensive to obtain than usual. But, the positive consequence is the growth of export from major economies. Another impact in devaluation of currencies will give trade advantage to South East Asian companies, but the cost to acquiring assets will be increased as well, as a consequence, foreign direct investment will drop. Compared with current Global Financial Crisis (GFC), the causes of GFC are linked to the turn down of financial markets. In US, banking industries has been affected by subprime mortgage trend which is more likely from real estate. According to Krugman (2009) the crisis growth from housing crisis to banking crisis are very fast. The impact GFC in financial institution in developing countries in Asia, in fact the financial institution in developing country relatively unaffected as they have good track record on borrowing and lending process so, it will help to minimize the risk. Then general recommendation, for financial institution would government should make clear regulation, then by funding market and supporting trouble assets market it will give liquidity to bank. Because this is a global issue, it may require cooperation other countries to make solution. In case of GFC, Asian economies will move slowly, it is because most of the countries dependant to foreign demands, therefore when US and west countries struggle it relatively will give effect to Asian countries. But, since AFC most of Asia countries have good fundamental in their economy but policy adjustments for each country to adapt the situation are necessary. The impacts of GFC in Malaysia are in foreign exchange rate, finance sector, banking system and trade. Exchange rates in Malaysia since de-pegging in from US in 2005 have impact to capital flow to the Ringgit (Ooi, 2008), this depreciation in Ringgit value is related to the demand of portfolio flow and export sector. This will help Malaysia to improve their export for counter global recession. In finance sector, Malaysia have suffered big impact on capital flow because US financial institution more concern to their domestic market, and in capital flow portfolio is the one most volatile. In Malaysia stock exchange, many foreign players involved then when the crisis, many foreign participants take their part back, and affecting to the stock market in KLCI. According to Bank Negara Malaysia (2008), low debt repayment by private sector and official sector cause decreasing in direct investment. The impact on banking system was quite under control as local banks had small correlation with US subprime loan, and also local bank have learned from AFC in 1997. For trade, there has big impact in Malaysia because of very dependent in the world market, in 2009 Malaysia made biggest drop in export rate including in manufactured export, electronic, agricultural and natural resources export. Malaysias exports have a high relation with their import. So when exports decrease, imports also decrease. In conclusion, AFC give good fundamental Asian countries when facing GFC. Then both of the crises always give global impact in economics to all countries in the world, and as financial crisis all financial market will be affected. The differences are just the volume of the impact and how they will find the solution to manage their problem. QUESTION 2 Discuss in detail on the impact of Capital Control imposed by the Malaysian Government in 1998 on the economy in general, giving special consideration on the pegging of Malaysian Ringgit against USD. In 1957, Malaysia adopt floating exchange rate that only volatile around RM 2.50. During the floating exchange rate in 1991 1997, the growth of GDP in Malaysia was higher and was calculated approximately at 9.2 percent a year. On the other hand, during the financial crisis, the economic growth became negative. Moreover, in 1999, the growth started to recover from -7.6 per a year to 6.1 percent a year. This condition can be happened due to the investors confidence has recovered and the business started the expansion movement (Talib, nd). Financial crisis in 1998 caused catastrophe to countries in Asia, such as Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines and Malaysia. In those years, every country in Asia was preventing itself from the crisis by defensive method. It is also followed by IMF term that every country has to tighten their capital and exchange control. This action is taken due to ensure the investors confidence and stem capital outflow. On the other hand, Malaysia challenged it by imposing restriction on capital repatriation by foreign investor and on offshore trading of ringgit-denominated assets (Sharma, 2003). According to Sharma in The Malaysian Capital Control Regime of 1998, she stated that due to capital control, it downturn the economic in Malaysia. For example, export in electronic especially showed low demand and rises of lower cost producers. She added also that the price of the residential and commercial property increase. Moreover, subsidies are needed in industries, such as automobiles, cement, steel and others. But the troublesome is the falling in the assets quality of the bank because of the uncontrolled rapid credit expansion that made speculative price bubbles happened. Also there was difference in assets and liabilities that made the market vulnerable and seriously exposed. So, when financial crisis in Asia happened, Malaysian Ringgit became very volatile and the trading of Ringgit against USD at RM 4.22 per 1 USD. Thus government made decision to peg the Ringgit with USD at RM 3.82 per 1 USD. The Malaysian government not only concern about the economy in Malaysia but also the virtual pegging of Malaysian Ringgit against USD. At that time Malaysian Ringgit weakened against USD, this is because the unlimited currency trading market. Many speculators that short or sell the Malaysian Ringgit in case of depreciated (Sharma, 2003). Malaysia also imposes restriction on exchange rate transaction to prevent speculator take position against ringgit and also to protect foreign exchange reserves and recover monetary. The process of recovery not only by pegging and controlling the currencies Bank Negara also take a part to support the process of recovery, they impose stretched limit on transfer of capital to foreign countries by residents, the central bank maintains its commitment to exchange rate stability and rules out revaluation, massive capital inflows translate into a massive increase in the domestic money supply, leading to suspected undervaluation and inflationary pressure thi s decision was to prevent potential escape or people try to cheating. The Governments declaration of a guarantee of bank deposit also carries positive effect in Malaysia. In conclusion, Malaysia was able to control the Asia Financial Crisis in 1998, with the collaboration all other sectors including Government and financial institution by designing effective capital control and effective enforcement which are showed political ability and outstanding institutional. QUESTION 3 Based on your understanding of the Financial System in Malaysia, critically argue on how we could minimize the impact from another catastrophic economic crisis (if any). The Malaysian financial system was insecure during the Asian financial crisis. This encouraged the government to take holistic approach towards financial restructuring. It has been shown in paper4-emerging issues in Malaysian financial system: policy and challenges (2005) the government took approaches to restructure which includes the establishment of Danaharta, Danamodal and CDRC (Credit Debt Restructuring Committee) and promoted consolidation with merge exercise. Within 2 years, Malaysia managed to get out of the crisis with low usage of public funds (less than 5% of GNP) for the restructuring efforts and restoring economic stability. The government realized that the financial sector has to be transformed to address inherent weakness and set foundation for longer term development efforts amidst intense competitive pressures, globalization and liberalization of financial markets. How to cope with the crisis can be in various ways. But the initial priorities in dealing with the crisis were to stabilize the financial system and to restore confidence in economic management. Strong actions were needed to stop bank runs, protect the payment system, limit central bank liquidity support, and minimize disruptions to credit flows, maintain monetary control, and stop capital outflows. According to the financial sector crisis and restructuring lesson from Asia, it suggests that the countries emergency measures, such as the introduction of blanket guarantees and bank closings, were accompanied by comprehensive bank restructuring programs and supported by macroeconomic stabilization policies. Blanket guarantees for depositors and creditors were used in Malaysia to restore confidence and to protect banks funding. Despite the huge contingent costs and moral hazard problems involved, the government opts to guarantee the deposit rather than risking the credibility of their ba nking systems. The guarantees were effective in stabilizing banks domestic fundingalthough in some cases it took some time to gain credibilitybut were less effective in stabilizing banks foreign funding where Malaysia adopted capital controls. The developments within the domestic economy such as embarking on expansionary fiscal policies, easing monetary policy, implementing capital controls, and fixing the exchange rate can help to lead an improvement in the Malaysian economy. A well-functioning and efficient financial system is vital in ensuring effective and efficient conduct of monetary policy. The need to hit information technology will increasingly be important to meet more difficult demand. Banking sector needs large amount of capital investments to remain competitive and be able to assume greater risks. The financial system must adapt to meet the changing requirements for financing new economic activities. In particular, new areas of growth have different characteristics, which may limit their access to the traditional form of the bank-based financing. The capital market will play an important role in financing the growth and businesses. In order for Malaysia to remain internationally competitive, some of the important challenges will include such as continuing to Pursue Liberalization, Foreign Direct Investment, Building Good Governance and an Ethical Regulatory Framework, Restructuring and Upgrading the Industrial and Technological Base. In terms of the foreign exchange, Malaysia can get advantage by pegged exchange rate during the crisis. This brings advantages such as Relative stability in the foreign exchange market, Avoiding the day-to-day management of the exchange rate, The fixed exchange rate provided more certainty for businesses to make business and pricing decisions, Fixing of the Ringgit against the US dollar resulted in some independence in setting the level of interest rate, Avoids a trade-off between an accommodative monetary policy to avoid a contraction of the economy, and the need to check further deterioration in the Ringgit exchange rate. Comprehensive bank restructuring strategies in Malaysia sought to restore financial sector reliability as soon as possible, and at least cost to the government, while providing an appropriate incentive structure for the restructuring. The strategies included setting up appropriate institutional frameworks, removing nonviable institutions from the system, strengthening viable institutions, dealing with value-impaired assets, improving prudential regulations and banking supervision, and promoting transparency in financial market operations. According to the IMFs publication, more transparency in macro and microeconomic data and policies would have exposed vulnerabilities earlier and helped lessen the crisis. Better regulatory and supervisory frameworks would have helped, but supervisors would most likely not have been able to take necessary actions in the middle of the economic boom. No one foresaw the sudden massive erosion of loan values, once market sentiment changed and exchange rates collapsed. Broad-based reforms are under way to strengthen the institutional, administrative, and legal frameworks in the crisis countries, based on evolving international best practices, codes, core principles, and standards. The crisis has shown the need to tailor prudential policies so that resilience is built up in times of economic booms to deal more easily with inevitable economic downturns. International efforts have been undertaken to reduce the likelihood and intensity of future crises. Initiatives include work on the internat ional financial architecture, the Financial Stability Forum, and financial sector stability assessments. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has formulated improvements to regulation and supervision of international lenders to address weaknesses that contributed to the Asian crisis.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The American Dream: A Can of Coke and a Lexus :: Argumentative Argument Media Papers

The American Dream: A Can of Coke and a Lexus Following the crowd in 2001 is the American way. Our lives have been infected with directions on who, how, and what we should be and do. Every day our televisions blare out talk shows, sitcoms, and soap operas to stagnate our minds. Our radios scream obscenities and false hopes with a beat that permeates our thoughts. Magazines, newspapers, billboards, televisions, and radios continually tell us what we need and want. Fashion dictates the way we dress, what styles we wear, and even the food we eat. We must follow rigid exercise routines in expensive gymnasiums, drive only the best automobiles, and buy only certain brands of products for our families to consume. The media constantly inundates our subconscious with messages that instruct us how to behave, what to say, and gives directions on what is necessary to be accepted in the elite privileged society that we perceive to be the American dream. This is the education we get from the world around us. Where has this propaganda come from? Why are we not able to see the forest for the trees? Why do we accept all that is handed to us without questioning the motives? We have been led to believe that â€Å"they† are always right. We have been taught to fear our own judgment, to accept life without question. Such programming begins at birth, is exemplified by our elementary education, and snowballs as we continue to learn. We are a society of sheep, waiting for slaughter. Paulo Freire describes this kind of education in his essay â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education† as: Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories, and the teacher is the depositor. Instead of communicating, the teacher issues communiquà ©s and makes deposits which the students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat. This is the â€Å"banking† concept of education, in which the scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the deposits. (349) Schooling in American society has become a process of transferring a pre-arranged amount of information to our children. It begins around age five and continues through the late teens, or until the students have successfully completed the courses required of them. Teachers force-feed a curriculum determined by the state, the county school board, and the school itself.

Psilocybin and Body Changes :: Chemistry Chemical Drugs Papers

Psilocybin and Body Changes Physiological (Whole Body) Changes Psilocybin, the active psychotomimetic, hallucinogenic chemical found in the psilocybe genus of mushrooms, is absorbed through the mouth and stomach and is a monoamine-related substance (Levitt 1975, Grilly, 1998). This means that psilocybin's biochemical effects are mediated by changes in the activity of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the central nervous system (made up of the brain and the spinal cord) primarily by way of 5HT2a receptors (Grilly 1998, Hasler 2003). Monoamine-related drugs share a basic similarity in molecular structure with monoamine neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Psilocybin produces bodily changes which are mostly sympathomimetic. This means that psilocybin mimics the effects of stimulating postganglionic adrenergic sympathetic nerves (online medical). The effects of this sympathetic nervous system arousal may consist of pupillary dilation, increases in blood pressure and heart rate, exaggeration of deep tendon reflexes, tremor, nausea, piloerection (hair erection), and increased body temperature (Grilly 1998). Psilocybin creates distinct psychological (hallucinogenic, entheogenic) changes in humans. Because of the mind-altering properties of the drug, much research on psilocybin is devoted to understanding its physiological effects on brain chemistry. A recent study tested prefrontal activation during a cognitive challenge and the neurometabolic effects of four different drugs on 113 regions of interest of the brain (Gouzoulis 1999). The four substances tested were psilocybin, d-methamphetamine (METH), methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE), and a placebo in healthy volunteers. No significant differences of global cerebral metabolism were found in the four groups. Neurometabolic effects were found to include a significant increase of regional glucose activity in the right anterior cingulate of the brain, the right frontal operculum, and an increase in activity of the right inferior temporal region. A significant decrease in metabolism was found in the right thalamus, the left precentral region and a decrease in activity was found in the left thalamus. Overall there was a general hypermetabolism of the prefrontal region of the right hemisphere and hypometabolism in subcortical regions. During the cognitive challenge activation of the middle prefrontal cortex was eliminated and activation of Broca's area (right frontal operculum) was reduced. In a study conducted by A.M. Quetin, electrolyte levels, liver toxicity tests and blood sugar levels were shown to be

Friday, July 19, 2019

Language, Action and Time in Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot Essay

Language, Action and Time in Waiting for Godot Twenty-two hundred years before the emergence of the Theater of the Absurd, the Greek philosopher Artistotle stumbled upon one of the themes developed in Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot; that is, that Thought (Dianoia) is expressed through Diction and that Thought (Theoria) is in itself a form of Action (Energeia). Intellectual action is thus measured equally in comparison to physical action. Over the centuries, theories regarding thought, action and language have evolved considerably, but certain underlying themes in Beckett's unconventional work can trace their origins back to Aristotle's original concepts concerning drama, namely the relationships between language, thought and the action involved in contemplation. Aristotle proposes that Thought and Diction imitate Action. In Beckett's Waiting for Godot, it is possible to see a similar pattern (that when taken a step further is no longer linear but circular), in which Language permits the existence of Thought which in turn becomes vicarious Action. (Ironically, this whole process which is portrayed by Beckett on-stage is equivalent to the art of theater itself which, manifested through language, permits the audience offstage, whose witnessing of a play replaces imagining it, to undergo the same process in acting vicariously through the characters.) The first and more interesting part of the process is best illustrated by the ending of both acts when Vladimir, and then Estragon, says "Yes, let's go" and the stage directions indicate "They do not move". It suffices simply to say and subsequently to think of leaving, for there is no more meaning in the vicarious action than in its actual physical manifestation. ... ... Vladimir who comments about the condition of Estragon's feet: "There's man all over for you, blaming on his boots the faults of his feet." The boots represent god, for each is an external object that man contrives to protect himself. Beckett is saying that man should not blame the devices that he creates when they fail to protect him from himself, but should rather accept the responsibility for their failure as he is the creator of those devices. If god does not fill man's existential void, instead of hopelessly waiting for that unreliable god to come and rescue him, he should consider looking to himself to resolve the problem of the meaninglessness of his life. Bibliography Aristotle. Poetics. Tr. S.H. Butler. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977 Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. New York: Grove Press, 1954 Durozoi, GÃ ©rald. Beckett. Paris: Bordas, 1972

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ess (Exam Scheduling System)

CHAPTER IV Presentation of Data, Software Product Analysis and Implementation The Existing System Dean 0 Manual Process Administrator Day of ExamSchedule Time Term Rooms Teachers Subjects Sections Figure 4. 1 Process of the Manual Scheduling The figure shows the existing system of AMA Computer College Lipa. The administrator will gather the data needed for the manual process of Scheduling. After gathering the data the administrator will manually do the schedule. The Proposed System 0 Computerized Scheduling Dean Administrator File MaintenanceSchedule Schedule Management Figure 4. Process of the Proposed System The figure shows the content of the proposed system. Once the user entered to the system, the system is ready to accommodate the File Maintenance, Schedule Management, Schedule Browser and Reports. Prospective User The Administrator will act as the primary user of the proposed system. The primary user has access to all the features of the system which includes file maintenance, schedule managing, schedule browsing and generating reports. The primary user can add, edit, update and delete different transactions of all the features mentioned above.The user also allows to print all the reports that was produced by the system. Components of the Proposed System In Software Product Analysis in Chapter III, the proponents discussed the different possible software that can be used in making the proposed study. Among all those software, the proponents decided to chose the SQL server 2008 for database, and Visual Basic . Net 2005 as the programming language. The proponents prefer to use the SQL Server 2008 over other databases it provides much faster Full-Text Search capability and much faster processing once SQL Server 2008 features are used.In addition, SQL Server 2008 provides for more efficient storage of data and indexes including filtered indexes, wide tables, sparse columns, and page level compression. In terms of programming language use, the proponents used Visual Basic. Net 2005 because the Visual Basic. Net is one of the most popular languages used in the software development industry. VB. Net provides managed code execution that runs under the Common Language Runtime (CLR), resulting in robust, stable and secure applications. VB. NET is free threading against theVB single-threaded apartment feature. All features of the . NET framework are readily available in VB. NET. VB. NET is totally object oriented. This is a major addition that VB6 and other earlier releases didn't have. Security has become more robust in VB. NET. System Design DFD (Data Flow Diagram) is used by the proponents to show the graphical representation of the flow of data through the system. This is also used in visualizing of data processing. The context is the summary of DFD of the existing and proposed Data Flow Diagram (DFD).This is the commonly used system modeling tools, particularly for the operational system in where the functions are paramount important and more complex than the data that system manipulates. The context is the summary of the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of proposed system. The DFD (Data Flow Diagram) is shown in figure 4. 1 Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System Level 0 1. 0 Course Year Section Rooms Subject Teacher 3. 0 Generate Reports 2. 0 Process Schedule for Term Dean Administrator Processed Schedule Schedule Figure 4. 3 Level 0 of Data Flow Diagram Figure 4. 3 shows the overview process as a whole.It starts from the Admin, the user, with corresponding data that goes to different menus provided by the system. These are basically the primary inputs to be processed by the system which creates reports. This diagram is mainly the representation of the software developed. Level 1 of Process 1: File Maintenance 1. 1 Add Course Dean | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1. 2 Add Year | | | | | | | | | | | 1. 3 Add Rooms | | | | | | | | | | | | 1. 4 Add Subjects | | | | | | | 1. 5 Add Teachers 1. 6 Add Section Figure 4. 4 Level 1 of Da ta Flow Diagram The diagram Level 1 shows the procedure of accessing the file maintenance.The diagram shows how to add, edit, update and delete a data. It provides space for the user to input new data to the database. Level 2 Process 2: Schedule Management | | | | | | 2. 1| | | | 2. 2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DEAN| | School Year| | | | Filled up| | | | | | Saved| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Fill up| Schedule| | Update| | | D6 Schedule| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Year| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | schedule| | | | schedule| | | | | | | | Section| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Subject List| form| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Room| | | | | | | Updated| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Day| | | | | | | Schedule| | | | | Time| Schedule| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2. 3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Schedule| | | | Print Report| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | STUDENTS| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Figure 4. 5 Level 2 of Data Flow Diagram The diagram Level 2 shows the procedure of accessing the Schedule Management. The user will fill up the schedule form. After making the schedule, the user can also print the report. Level 3 Process 3: Generate Reports| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | D7| Schedule| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Saved Schedule| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Section Schedule| | | | | | | 3. 2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3. 1| | | | | | | | | | | | DEAN| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Generate Schedule| | | | | Generate Room| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Section Reports| | | | | | Schedule Reports| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Room Schedule| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Schedule| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Students Figure 4. 6 Level 3 of Data Flow Diagram The diagram Level 5 shows the corresponding procedures that the system provides under the report button. It shows the section schedule and room schedule reports. System Evaluation Report The respondents of this study responded so well throughout the survey process. The proponents got a good approval of improving the existing system into the proposed one project. Part I. 1. Suitability The system’s appearance is suitable for its use Table 4. 1 SuitabilitySuitability| Number| of| | Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| | | Respondents| | respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | | the suitability of the| | | | | | | | | system| | | | 4–Strongly Agree| 200| | | 200/229 x 100 = 87%| 87% of 360Â ° = 320Â °| 3| – Agree| 29| | | 29/229 x 100 = 13%| 13% of 360Â ° = 40Â °| 2| – Disagree| 0| | | 0| 0| | | 1| – Strongly| 0| | | 0| 0| | | Disagree| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Suitability| | | | | | | | | 13%| | | | | | | | | | | Strongly Agree| | | | | | | | | | Agree| | | | | | | | | | 87%| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Figure 4. 1 Pie Chart for System SuitabilityFigure 4. 1 shows that 87% or 200 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system is suitable and 13% or 29 of the respondents agreed in the suitability of the system. 2. Interoperability The system’s ICONs are all working Table 4. 2 Interoperability Interoperability| Number| of| Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| | | Respondents| respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | the interoperability of the| | | | | | | | system| | | | 4–Strongly Agree| 199| | 199/229 x 100 = 87%| 87% of 360Â ° = 313Â °| 3| – Agree| 30| | 30/229 x 100 = 13%| 13% of 360Â ° = 47Â °| 2| – Disagree| 0| | 0| 0| | | | – Strongly| 0| | 0| 0| | | Disagree| | | | | | | Interoperability 13% Strongly Agre e Agree 87% Figure 4. 2 Pie Chart for System Interoperability Figure 4. 2 shows that 87% or 199 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system is working and 13% or 30 of the respondents agreed in the interoperability of the system. 3. Compliance The system supports the performance they need. Table 4. 3 Compliance Compliance| Number| of| Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| | | Respondents| respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | the compliance of the| | | | | | | | system| | | | –Strongly Agree| 198| | 198/229 x 100 = 86%| 86% of 360Â ° = 310Â °| 3| – Agree| 31| | 31/229 x 100 = 14%| 14% of 360Â ° = 50Â °| 2| – Disagree| 0| | 0| 0| | | 1| – Strongly| 0| | 0| 0| | | Disagree| | | | | | | Compliance 14% Strongly Agree Agree 86% Figure 4. 3 Pie Chart for System Compliance Figure 4. 3 shows that 86% or 198 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system supports the system they need and 14% or 31 of the respondents agreed in the compliance of t he system. Part II 2. System’s Usability The system is easy to use and navigate Table 4. 4 UnderstandabilityUnderstandability| Number| of| Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| | | Respondents| respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | the understandability of| | | | | | | | the system| | | | 4–Strongly Agree| 229| | 229/229 x 100 = 100%| 100% of 360Â ° = 360Â °| 3| – Agree| 0| | 0| 0| | | 2| – Disagree| 0| | 0| 0| | | 1| – Strongly| 0| | 0| 0| | | Disagree| | | | | | | Understandability Strongly Agree 100% Figure 4. 4 Pie Chart for System Understandability Figure 4. 4 shows that 100% or 229 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system is easy to understand. . Learnability The system is easy to use and navigate Table 4. 5 Learnability Learnability| Number| of| Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| | | Respondents| respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | the learnability of the| | | | | | | | system| | | | 4–Strongly Agree| 198| | 1 98/229 x 100 = 86%| 86% of 360Â ° = 310Â °| 3| – Agree| 31| | 31/229 x 100 = 14%| 14% of 360Â ° = 50Â °| 2| – Disagree| 0| | 0| 0| | | 1| – Strongly| 0| | 0| 0| | | Disagree| | | | | | | Learnability 14% Strongly Agree Agree 86% Figure 4. 5 Pie Chart for System Learnability Figure 4. shows that 86% or 198 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system is easy to use and navigate and 14% or 31 of the respondents agreed in the navigation of the system. Part III – System’s Reliability 1. Accuracy The system gives an accurate output. Table 4. 6 Accuracy Accuracy| Number| of| Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| | | Respondents| respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | the accuracy of the| | | | | | | | system| | | | 4–Strongly Agree| 200| | 200/229 x 100 = 87%| 87% of 360Â ° = 313Â °| 3| – Agree| 29| | 29/229 x 100 = 13%| 13% of 360Â ° = 47Â °| 2| – Disagree| 0| | 0| 0| | | | – Strongly| 0| | 0| 0| | | Disagree | | | | | | | Accuracy 13% Strongly Agree Agree 87% Figure 4. 6 Pie Chart for System Accuracy Figure 4. 6 shows that 87% or 200 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system gives accurate output and 13% or 29 of the respondents agreed in the accuracy of the system. 2. Recovery The system has ability to recover form failure. Table 4. 7 Recovery Recovery| Number| of| Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| | | Respondents| respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | the recovery of the| | | | | | | system| | | | 4–Strongly Agree| 198| | 198/229 x 100 = 86%| 86% of 360Â ° = 310Â °| 3| – Agree| 31| | 31/229 x 100 = 14%| 14% of 360Â ° = 50Â °| 2| – Disagree| 0| | 0| 0| | | 1| – Strongly| 0| | 0| 0| | | Disagree| | | | | | | Recovery 14% Strongly Agree Agree 86% Figure 4. 7 Pie Chart for System Accuracy Figure 4. 7 shows that 86% or 198 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system has ability to recover form failure and 14% or 31 of the respondents agreed in the recovery of the system. Part IV – System’s Efficiency 1. Resource BehaviorThe system provides an optimum utilization of the resources. Table 4. 8 Resource Behavior Resource| Number| of| Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| Behavior| Respondents| respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | the resource behavior of| | | | | | | | the system| | | | 4–Strongly Agree| 195| | 195/229 x 100 = 85%| 85% of 360Â ° = 306Â °| 3| – Agree| 34| | 34/229 x 100 = 15%| 15% of 360Â ° = 54Â °| 2| – Disagree| 0| | 0| 0| | | 1| – Strongly| 0| | 0| 0| | | Disagree| | | | | | | Resource Behavior 15% Strongly Agree Agree 85% Figure 4. 8 Pie Chart for System Resource Behavior Figure 4. shows that 85% or 195 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system provides an optimum utilization of the resources and 15% or 34 of the respondents agreed in the resource behavior of the system. 2. Time Behavior The system responses on time or as needed. Table 4 . 9 Time Behavior Time Behavior| Number| of| Percentage of| Angle| size| for Pie| | | Respondents| respondents evaluating| Chart| | | | | | | the time behavior of the| | | | | | | | system| | | | 4–Strongly Agree| 201| | 201/229 x 100 = 88%| 88% of 360Â ° = 317Â °| 3| – Agree| 28| | 28/229 x 100 = 12%| 12% of 360Â ° = 43Â °| 2| – Disagree| 0| | 0| 0| | | | – Strongly| 0| | 0| 0| | | Disagree| | | | | | | Time Behavior 12% Strongly Agree Agree 88% Figure 4. 9 Pie Chart for System Time Behavior Figure 4. 9 shows that 88% or 201 of the respondents strongly agreed that the system responses on time or as needed and 12% or 29 of the respondents agreed in the time behavior of the system. System Evaluation for AMACC – Lipa Campus Students 1. System’s Functionality Table 4. 10 System’s Functionality Criteria| Strongly| Agree| Disagree| Strongly| Weighted| Rank| | Agree| | | Disagree| Mean| | Suitability| 200| 29| 0| 0| 3. 7| 1| Interoperab ility| 199| 30| 0| 0| 3. 87| 1| Compliance| 198| 31| 0| 0| 3. 87| 2| 2. System’s Usability Table 4. 11 System’s Usability Criteria| Strongly| Agree| Disagree| Strongly| Weighted| Rank| | Agree| | | Disagree| Mean| | Understandability| 229| 0| 0| 0| 4| 1| Learnability| 198| 31| 0| 0| 3. 86| 2| 3. System’s Reliability Table 4. 12 System’s Reliability Criteria| Strongly| Agree| Disagree| Strongly| Weighted| Rank| | Agree| | | Disagree| Mean| | Accuracy| 200| 29| 0| 0| 3. 87| 1| Recovery| 198| 31| 0| 0| 3. 86| 2| 4. System’s Efficiency Table 4. 12System’s Efficiency Criteria| Strongly| Agree| Disagree| Strongly| Weighted| Rank| | Agree| | | Disagree| Mean| | Resource Behavior| 195| 34| 0| 0| 3. 85| 2| Time Behavior| 201| 28| 0| 0| 3. 88| 1| Over-all System Evaluation of AMACC – Lipa Campus Students Table 4. 13 Over-all System Evaluation of AMACC – Lipa Campus Students Criteria| Strongly| Agree| Disagree| Strongly| Weighted| Rank| | Agree| | | Disagree| Mean| | Functionality| 199| 28| 0| 0| 3. 88| 1| Usability| 142| 31| 0| 0| 3. 82| 2| Reliability| 199| 30| 0| 0| 3. 87| 1| Efficiency| 198| 31| 0| 0| 3. 6| 3| Table 4. 26 Verbal Interpretation of Evaluation Result Option| Scale| Verbal Interpretation| 4| 3. 50 – 4. 00| Strongly Agree| 3| 2. 55 – 3. 54| Agree| 2| 1. 55 – 2. 54| Disagree| 1| 1. 00 – 1. 54| Strongly Disagree| | Table 4. 27| | Interpretation of Over-all Evaluation of AMACC – Lipa Campus Student| | | | | Criteria| Weighted Mean| Verbal| Rank| | | Interpretation| | Functionality| 3. 88| Strongly Agree| 1| Usability| 3. 82| Strongly Agree| 2| Reliability| 3. 87| Strongly Agree| 1| Efficiency| 3. 86| Strongly Agree| 3| Average| | Strongly Agree| |

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Clexane Essay

Clexane (enoxaparin) will be the topic for my article of faith plan. In the plan it will set to explain how and why enoxaprin is administered and why it is unavoidable. Clexane blastoff contains the active ingredient enoxaparin, which is a lineament of medicine called a low subatomic particle weight heparin. It is a medicine that is utilize to treat bank line turns, or occlusive clots from forming within the affinity vessels, Enoxaparin is used to resist and treat types of abnormal blood clots.It work by inactivating thrombin in the clotting process. This stop the formation of fibrin, the essential component of blood clots. The medicine is administered by shaft beneath the skin (subcutaneous dead reckoning). Clexane is commonly used to retain clotting after an operation such as a hip replacement, or certain heart conditions. The way clexane whole caboodle is by preventing certain molecules in the blood called clotting factors from working. Clotting factors are nee ded to form a clot (e. g. n a cut or a scratch).However, blood clots can form privileged the body and travel to areas such as the lungs or brain, where they can form a block. When this happens it is difficult for blood to circulate properly, the clot may also cause implike illness. Clexane will be given in accordance to the weight of the person. Subcutaneous jibe Technique. The patient should take the lying trim down position ready for the clexane injection to be administered, this is given by a dark subcutaneous injection.To avoid any sacking of the drug which is administered in 30 and 40 mg pre-filled syringes, there is an air burp that should not be expelled before the injection is given. Administration should be alternated surrounded by the left wing and right anterolateral and left and right posterolateral group AB wall. The whole length of the needle should be introduced into a skin shut down held between the thumb and forefinger the skin fold should be held through out the injection. To minimise bruising, the injection site should not be rubbed on completion of the injection.

Assignment Classical Conditioning Paper

My Tutorials ar ONLY for your aid to help you altogether tutorials have been turned in once by me and is my original work. I have excellent grades You mustiness do your receive work with paraphrasing and summarizing. Thank you definitive Conditioning Students Name PSY 390 fitting __, 20__ Kay Rubin untainted Conditioning Classical instruct is an inwrought style of chooseing, which occurs by generating a resolution do by unconditioned stimulis, and was produced in 1903 by Ivan Pavlov (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009).The opening behind serious music teach is often cognise as one the most acceptable and oldest forms to imitate when learning about respective(a) human behaviors. This newspaper publisher bequeath focus on theoretical conditions and admit Hellenic condition through a various examples as a federal agency to give a better understanding. First off, it is important to understand that a scientist by the name of Pavlov discovered classical condition and was by sh eer happenstance when examining the digestive establishment of ordureines (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009).Another man, by the name of Watson, expanded the understanding of classical instruct, which is in direct association to the way we learn. Nonetheless, twain Watson and Pavlov pioneered classical conditioning as beingness the main source for remedial affects with creating sound behaviors and phobias. Teachers, parents, businesses, etc. bequeath often use classical conditioning to cultivate behavior in daily circumstances. For instance, a married woman can influence her maintain by position the stool seat down more consistently by k nowing how to utilize classical conditioning with her pardner.One of the first principless discovered was a stimulus, which bowel movements natural responses (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) For instances, the smell of a cooking food, can driveway one to be hungry. One of the stimulis, which can clear an instinctive reaction, is referred to as t he unconditioned stimulus (US) the food. The unconscious mind response to the US is referred to as the unconditioned response (UR) the hunger. The neutral stimulus is the trice principle, which is not the cause of the UR, rather it is a noise related to it such as a dinner bell (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. The dinner bell is presented just before the US is stimulated, which is referred to as the conditioned stimulus (CS). The third theory takes enter after the US and CS are conjugated many times with that of the CS and is usually moments in the beginning than the US (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) In short, the CS (dinner bell) unaccompanied entrust originate the hunger. The hunger response, which is similar to the response of the US (food) will cause the proper response enquire for the CS (dinner bell). In retrospect, the conditioned reaction (CR) has now been assimilated.The US is the reinforcer because the whole conditioning act upon pivots on whatever reinforcements are bei ng utilise (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) Although in classical conditioning, the animal or individual will not always have take in over reinforcements, since it happens when the person who is use classical conditioning wishes for it to transpire (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) Conversely, reinforcements are not dependent on any palpable responses therefore, the behaviors are discovered in their unique ways.Rather classical conditioning that takes place in an animal or person will learn quickly which ecological influences are supportive to its humanity (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) When viewing the success of classical conditioning, it typically obtains some(prenominal)(prenominal) pairings, which encompass a US and a CS, and are measured as an association to learning. One of the fundamental elements to associatory learning is in classical conditioning, and requires a natural instinct to strengthen (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. Conditioned Fears basin B. Watson, in 1921, was an extr emist in environmental determinist, who furthered Pavlovs philosophies within the human race. Watson strongly felt that all person born had a small amount of money of essential emotions and reflexes (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) Additionally, his belief was that feeling and emotions were from experiences and genetics. He schematic that classical conditioning could originate phobias or fears when particular(a) reflexes become mated with several stimulis.Watson disputed with trio fundamental emotions (rage, fear, and love) were hereditary, and that these three crucial emotions convert into searching belongings amongst each person (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) To demonstrate this, Watson sample on a youngster named Albert. Albert was conditioned using a steel bar, a hammer, and a washrag rat (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) At the beginning of the experimentation, Albert was familiarized with a white rat.He had shown no indication of anxiousness or fear when touching it or interacti ng with it. Following the sign interaction, Albert would reach for the white rat and then office following, a person would pound the hammer aboard a steel bar triggering Albert to violently commence back scaring him. Over a period, Albert became accustomed to a phobia of white rats. By no means did Watson ever fully accept Pavlovs theories of classical conditioning since he did not feel that it wholly relied on reinforcement in its entirety.Rather, he thought classical conditioning emerges due to the fact that the US and CS are harmonizing repetitively and in contiguous proximity of each other (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009. ) The frequency of being coupled together would become more undestroyable with its association. Therefore, classical conditioning can also be utilized when removing fears. Classical Scenario Given that classical conditioning has been influenced and utilized by parents, teachers, businesses, etc. , many medium individuals will use classical conditioning to f udge others into doing what they want for them.For instance, a recently married couple is sharing the only bathroom they have together. The married woman is sick and tired of lay down the gage seat every time she wants to use the bathroom. At this point, she chooses to utilize classical conditioning to influence her spouse to lowering the lid. The wife strikes up a spate if she cooks his front-runner food, he will agree by keeping the lid down. In return, the husband is obligate to make super if he leaves the lid up. The husband begins to realize this is not a fair bring and is becoming quite weary of qualification the dinners.On into the second week, the husband then becomes habitual about putting the lid down and thus avoids the nagging wife leaving the wife making his favorite repast for a period of time. The US is the harassing, the UR is experiencing annoyance and making dinner for himself, and the CS is the lid to the toilet. The husband is the CR needing to put down the the lid to the toilet instinctively. When CS and US are coupled together several times, in addition to the UR of annoyance of making his own dinners, the CR is instituted when the husband becomes habitual with her initial requests. Classical Conditioning Time Chart CR+UR+CR US+CS Leaving Lid Up Putting Lid Down ( ( Husband is badgered and is married woman agrees to cook one of his obligated to cook meals. favorite dinners and withdraws badgering. week One Monday ( Tuesday ( Wednesday ( Thursday ( Friday ( Saturday ( Sunday ( Week Two Monday ( Tuesday ( Wednesday ( Thursday ( Friday ( Saturday ( Sunday ( This chart displays the affects when the wife found the lid up and if she badgered her husband, she would make him localisation his own meals. On the other hand, if the wife had stop reinforcing her husbands actions by making him bewilder his own meals or withdraw the badgering, the husband would omit to remember this a ssociated pattern about putting the toilet lid down. Conclusion In summary, classical conditioning was founded by Ivan Pavlov and expounded upon by Jon B.Watson. Coincidently, Pavlov stumbled upon classical conditioning by chance, whereas Watson utilized classical conditioning to shape associative learning. Both Watson and Pavlov pioneered classical conditioning as an urbane aid for creating different behaviors and curing phobias. Parents, teachers, businesses, etc. will often utilize classical conditioning when manipulating authentic behaviors. As displayed in the chart, a wife can influence and manipulate her spouse into classical conditioning.References Olson, M. H. & Hergenhahn, B. R. (2009). An inlet to theories of learning (8th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson/ prentice Hall.